The map service shows public outdoor recreation areas owned by the Norwegian state.

wms example map

Layers in the service

Min scale Max scale GetLegendGraphic (WMS)
Public outdoor recreation areas owned by the Norwegian state.
Map Server Legend

Service type WMS

Technical platform
ArcGIS Server
Server Url

Service type ArcGIS-Rest

Technical platform
ArcGIS Server

Map solutions where the service is used

Web map applications



Service changes

Date Change
7/5/2018 URLer endret til https://
http:// will still work
6/11/2018 Ny tjeneste
Tjeneste er etablert på ny plattform. Det er mindre endringer i datamodell og feltnavn
1/21/2013 Nye felt og endrede feltnavn
New fields and field names added to layers.
11/1/2011 Nye spesifikasjoner for karttjeneste
The Map Service established on a new server platform based on ArcGIS Server. New specifications for Url, servicenames and layernames.
11/10/2010 Ny målestokksterskel
Map scale limit set to 1:1.000.000.
10/1/2003 WMS-tjeneste etablert
Map Service for Outdoor recreation areas from Naturbase established and published