The map service includes a satellite-based vegetation map of Norway. It comes as a raster based map service (wms) with a resolution of 100x100 meters and 30 x 30 meters. For more information about SatVeg, see information for the data set.

wms example map

Layers in the service

Min scale Max scale GetLegendGraphic (WMS)
Resolution: 30 meters
Map Server Legend
Resolution: 100 meters
Map Server Legend

Service type WMS

Technical platform
Server Url

Map solutions where the service is used

Web map applications
Fact sheet example


Freely available for use when the following source is credited: Source : Norut-Trønsø, the Norwegian Space Centre and the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management.

Service changes

Date Change
11/1/2011 WMS-service established
WMS-tje etablert basert på Geoserver.